ASPYEE, A Continental Platform to Influence Policy and Practice

April 21, 2022

The African Skills Portal for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (ASPYEE) is a continental knowledge sharing platform which enables practitioners and policy makers across the African continent to share, collaborate engage with each other. The platform aims to strengthen mechanisms to foster peer learning, knowledge exchange, and capacity building on the continent.

ASPYEE provides a platform to promote African-owned, innovative approaches derived from experience from the field and research. Reflecting on African good practice, successes and lessons learnt from the field is fundamental to grow an evidence-based knowledge repository to further the African Union’s agenda on skills and employment. The online platform advocates for dialogue across a diverse stakeholder group in the ecosystem, bringing together demand-side needs and supply-side responses.

ASPYEE forms part of the Skills Initiative For Africa programme, which is implemented by the African Union Commission (AUC) and African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD).

Visit ASPYEE to learn more
